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Kashan is a city in central Iran with a rich history dating back thousands of years. Among its many attractions, the city is known for its exquisite traditional houses, which reflect the ingenuity and creativity of Iranian architects and craftsmen. One such house is the Aghabozorg House, a magnificent example of the city’s unique architectural style.

History of Kashan

Kashan is a city located in central Iran, in the Isfahan province. The city has a rich history dating back to the prehistoric period. Kashan has been inhabited since at least the 6th millennium BC, and archaeological excavations have revealed the existence of several settlements in the area.

Kashan City, IRAN

During the Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BC), Kashan was a center of pottery production, and the city’s ceramics were highly prized throughout the empire. Kashan continued to be an important center of commerce and trade during the Parthian (247 BC-224 AD) and Sassanid (224-651 AD) empires.

In the Islamic era, Kashan became a center of Islamic learning and culture. The city is renowned for its beautiful architecture, including mosques, madrasas (Islamic schools), and houses. The city is also known for its textiles, ceramics, and carpets.

Kashan Nights

Kashan played an important role in the Safavid dynasty (1501-1736), which was one of the most significant ruling dynasties in Iran’s history. Under the Safavids, Kashan became a center of art and culture, and many important architectural works were constructed during this period.

During the Qajar dynasty (1789-1925), Kashan continued to thrive as a center of commerce and culture. The city was connected to Tehran by a newly constructed road and railway, which made the transportation of goods and people easier.


In the 20th century, Kashan became a hub for political and social movements and played an important role in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Today, Kashan remains a center of art, culture, and commerce, and attracts many visitors who come to see the city’s beautiful architecture and learn about its rich history.

Aghabozorg house

Located in the heart of Kashan, Aghabozorg House is one of the most famous and beautiful historical houses in Iran. Built during the late 18th century, this house is a stunning example of Persian architecture and design. With its intricate tilework, beautiful gardens, and grand hallways, Aghabozorg House offers visitors a glimpse into the grandeur and beauty of Iran’s rich cultural heritage.

Architecture and Design Aghabozorg House was built by a wealthy cleric named Haj Mohammad Taqi Khan in the late 18th century. The house is a classic example of Persian architecture, with its symmetrical design, elaborate tile work, and delicate stucco carvings. The house was designed to be both functional and beautiful, with spacious rooms, high ceilings, and large windows that let in natural light.

Aghabozorg House, Kashan Iran

One of the most striking features of Aghabozorg House is its grand entrance hall, which is adorned with intricate tilework and beautiful stained glass windows. The hall leads to a central courtyard, which is surrounded by a series of rooms and halls. The courtyard is filled with lush vegetation and beautiful fountains, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

The interior of the house is decorated with beautiful tile work, delicate stucco carvings, and colorful frescoes. The rooms are spacious and airy, with high ceilings and large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The house is also home to a beautiful library, which contains a vast collection of books and manuscripts.

Historical Significance Aghabozorg House has played an important role in Iran’s history. During the Qajar period, the house was a center for religious and cultural activities, and it was used as a gathering place for scholars and artists. The house was also used as a school, where students could study Islamic theology, philosophy, and literature.

In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Aghabozorg House is also a masterpiece of Persian architecture and design. The house represents the height of Persian art and craftsmanship, with its intricate tile work, delicate stucco carvings, and beautiful gardens.

Visiting Agha Bozorg House Today, Aghabozorg House is open to visitors who want to experience the beauty and grandeur of Persian architecture and design. Visitors can explore the beautiful gardens, stroll through the grand hallways, and admire the intricate tilework and stucco carvings.

Visitors can also learn about the history and significance of Agha Bozorg House by visiting the on-site museum, which contains a collection of historical artifacts and exhibits. The museum also features a library, where visitors can browse through a collection of books and manuscripts.

Aghabozorg House, Kashan

In conclusion, Agha Bozorg House is a must-see destination for anyone interested in Persian architecture and design. With its beautiful gardens, grand hallways, and intricate tilework, this house is a true masterpiece of Persian art and craftsmanship. Visiting Agha Bozorg House is a wonderful way to experience the rich cultural heritage of Iran and appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Persian architecture.

The second floor of the Agha Bozorg complex was traditionally used as a private residence for the family of the mullah, while the ground floor housed classrooms for religious instruction. Today, visitors can explore both levels of the complex and get a glimpse into the lives of Kashan’s wealthy elite in the 19th century.

The architecture of the Agha Bozorg complex is a beautiful example of traditional Persian design. The facade of the building is adorned with intricate brickwork and plaster, while the interior is filled with ornate tilework, stained glass windows, and intricate wood carvings. The central courtyard is surrounded by arched porticoes and is decorated with a fountain and lush greenery.

One of the most impressive features of the Agha Bozorg complex is its rooftop terrace. Visitors can climb to the top of the building and enjoy panoramic views of Kashan’s old town and the surrounding desert landscape. It’s a peaceful spot to relax and take in the beauty of this historic city.

In addition to its stunning architecture and rich history, the Agha Bozorg complex is also known for its beautiful gardens. The courtyard is filled with fragrant flowers, fruit trees, and a variety of plants native to the region. It’s a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city and a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.

Overall, a visit to the Agha Bozorg complex is a must for anyone interested in Persian architecture and history. It’s a beautiful example of the rich cultural heritage of Kashan and a testament to the city’s important role in Iranian history.

Agha Bozorg Mosque, Kashan, Isfahan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran, Middle East

As we move to the second floor, we are greeted with a large hall, which was used for gatherings and formal events. The hall is surrounded by several rooms, which were used for different purposes, such as sleeping and entertaining guests. The rooms are adorned with colorful stained-glass windows and intricately designed ceilings. One of the most striking features of the second floor is the two-story high wooden entrance doors, which are made of walnut wood and are intricately carved with floral and geometrical designs.

The third floor is reserved for the private quarters of the family, which includes bedrooms, a kitchen, and a private bath. The bath is decorated with beautiful blue tiles and is equipped with a steam room and a hot tub. The bedrooms are spacious and well-lit, with large windows that provide stunning views of the city.

Agha Bozorg House is a true testament to the beauty and elegance of Persian architecture. It is a magnificent structure that showcases the artistic and cultural heritage of Iran. The house is not only a historic landmark but also a valuable source of inspiration for architects and designers around the world.

Visiting Agha Bozorg House is a must-do activity for anyone traveling to Kashan. The house is located in the heart of the city and is easily accessible by car or public transportation. The entrance fee is very reasonable, and the house is open to visitors from morning till night.

In conclusion, Agha Bozorg House is an architectural masterpiece that is definitely worth a visit. The house is a perfect example of how Iranian architects were able to merge functionality and beauty in their designs. It is a cultural gem that provides visitors with a glimpse into the rich history and heritage of Iran.

Agha Bozorg Mosque, Inner Courtyard, Kashan, Isfahan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran, Middle East

As the years passed, the house changed hands several times and underwent various renovations and restorations. In the 1970s, the Iranian government designated Agha Bozorg House as a national heritage site, and further restoration work was carried out in the following years.

Today, Agha Bozorg House stands as a prime example of traditional Persian architecture and design, with its symmetrical layout, intricate tilework, and beautiful courtyards. Visitors can admire the stunning details of the house, from its intricately carved wooden doors and ceilings to its colorful stained-glass windows.

In addition to its architectural significance, Agha Bozorg House also serves as a cultural center, hosting various events and exhibitions throughout the year. It is a popular destination for tourists interested in Persian history and architecture, as well as for locals seeking to connect with their cultural heritage.

Overall, Agha Bozorg House is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Kashan, offering a glimpse into the city’s rich cultural and architectural history. Whether you are an architecture enthusiast or simply seeking to experience the beauty of traditional Persian design, Agha Bozorg House is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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