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In Iran, nomadic life is deeply intertwined with traditional crafts such as weaving and yarn-making. Nomad women, in particular, have been creating beautiful textiles for generations using traditional techniques passed down from their ancestors. One of the most fascinating crafts that they practice is the art of making yarn and wool from fleece.

In this post, we will explore the process of making yarn and wool by an Iranian nomad woman, and the cultural significance of this ancient craft.

History of making yarn in nomads

The art of making yarn and wool from fleece has a long history in nomadic cultures around the world. Nomads have been raising sheep, goats, and other livestock for thousands of years, and spinning their wool into yarn and then weaving it into cloth was a crucial part of their way of life.

In Iran, nomadic women have been making yarn from fleece for centuries. They take the raw fleece from their sheep or goats and wash it thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Then, they use a special tool called a spindle to spin the fibers into yarn. The spindle is a long, thin stick with a weight at the bottom. The wool is attached to the spindle, which is then spun, twisting the wool fibers together to create yarn.

Nomads use different types of spindles depending on their location, resources, and traditions. Some nomads in Iran use a simple wooden spindle, while others use a more complex spindle made from a mixture of wood and bone. In some cases, nomads may even use a spindle made from an animal horn.

After the yarn is spun, it can be dyed using natural materials such as plants, roots, and berries. Nomadic women have developed a deep knowledge of local plants and their properties over generations, which allows them to create a wide range of colors and shades. Once the yarn is dyed, it can be woven into cloth or used for other purposes such as making carpets, rugs, or blankets.

The process of making yarn from fleece is not just a practical necessity for nomads, but also a cultural tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is a skill that requires patience, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the natural world. Nomadic women take great pride in their ability to make yarn and wool, and it remains an important part of their cultural heritage today.

Making yarn from sheep and fleece – steps

The process of making yarn and wool begins with the collection of raw fleece from sheep or goats. The fleece is washed, and any impurities are removed. The cleaned fleece is then carded using a wooden comb to separate the fibers and align them in the same direction. This process creates a fluffy bundle of fibers known as roving.

The roving is then spun into yarn using a spindle or spinning wheel. This is a time-consuming and intricate process that requires a lot of skill and patience. The nomad women use their hands and feet to control the spindle or spinning wheel while simultaneously pulling and twisting the fibers to create a continuous strand of yarn.

Once the yarn is spun, it is ready to be used for weaving or knitting. Nomad women use the yarn to create a wide range of textiles, including rugs, blankets, and clothing.

The art of making yarn and wool from fleece has been an integral part of nomadic life in Iran for centuries. Nomad women have passed down these skills from generation to generation, and it remains a vital part of their cultural heritage.

The textiles produced by Iranian nomad women are not just beautiful but also serve a practical purpose. In the harsh and unforgiving terrain of the Iranian plateau, warm clothing and blankets are essential for survival during the cold winter months. The wool produced by nomad women is of the highest quality and is well-suited for making durable and warm textiles.

In addition to its practical uses, the art of yarn and wool-making also holds great cultural significance. The textiles produced by nomad women are an important part of their identity and serve as a symbol of their rich cultural heritage. Each piece is unique and carries with it the stories and traditions of their ancestors.

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In conclusion, the art of making yarn and wool from fleece is a fascinating and integral part of Iranian nomadic life. Nomad women have been practicing this ancient craft for generations, and it remains a vital part of their cultural heritage. The textiles produced by nomad women are not just beautiful but also serve a practical purpose and are a symbol of their rich cultural identity.

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