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Borujerdi House is a magnificent mansion located in the heart of Kashan, a city famous for its rich history, architecture, and culture. The house was built in the late 19th century by a wealthy merchant named Haj Seyed Hasan Natanzi, also known as Borujerdi, who commissioned the renowned architect Ustad Ali Maryam to design and construct the building. The result is a masterpiece of Persian architecture that combines traditional Iranian design elements with modern innovations.

The exterior of Borujerdi House is adorned with intricate stucco and tile work, featuring geometric patterns and calligraphic inscriptions. The façade is a showcase of the finest craftsmanship, with each detail carefully crafted to create a harmonious whole. The interior of the house is equally impressive, with spacious rooms and high ceilings that allow for natural light and air circulation. The central courtyard, a signature feature of Persian architecture, is surrounded by rooms and adorned with a beautiful fountain.

History of kashan CITY

Kashan is a historical city located in the central part of Iran, in the province of Isfahan. The city has a rich cultural and architectural heritage dating back to ancient times. It is believed that Kashan has been inhabited since the Neolithic period, and was an important city during the pre-Islamic era, as it served as a center for the production of textiles and ceramics.

During the Seljuk era, Kashan became a prominent center of Islamic learning, attracting many scholars and intellectuals. It was during this time that many beautiful mosques and madrasas were built in the city.

kashan city
Midnight – Kashan Iran

In the 13th century, Kashan fell under the control of the Mongol Empire and suffered from the invasions of Genghis Khan and his successors. However, the city managed to recover and was later ruled by the Safavid dynasty in the 16th century. Under the Safavids, Kashan experienced a period of great prosperity and became a major center for silk and carpet production.

During the Qajar dynasty, which ruled Iran from the late 18th to early 20th century, Kashan was home to many influential figures in Persian society, including Mirza Taghi Khan, also known as Amir Kabir, who served as the prime minister to Naser al-Din Shah.

Location of Kashan, Iran

Today, Kashan is known for its beautiful historical monuments, including mosques, palaces, and traditional houses, such as the Fin Garden and the Borujerdi House. The city is also famous for its high-quality rosewater, produced from the fragrant roses that grow in the surrounding countryside.

Overall, Kashan’s rich history and cultural heritage make it a fascinating destination for tourists and history enthusiasts alike.

Borujerdi house and badgir

One of the most striking features of Borujerdi House is the windcatchers, or badgirs, which are tall, narrow structures on the roof that capture the wind and direct it down into the house. This ingenious design allows for natural ventilation and cooling, even in the hottest months of the year. The badgirs of Borujerdi House are particularly impressive, with intricate latticework and decorative elements that add to the beauty of the building.

Borujerdi House
Borujerdi House, Kashan

The interior of Borujerdi House is equally impressive, with each room featuring unique decorative elements and furnishings. The reception hall, or biruni, is a large, open space with a double-height ceiling and ornate tile work. The private living quarters, or andaruni, are more intimate spaces with lower ceilings and richly decorated walls and ceilings. The rooms are connected by a series of doors and passageways, each leading to a different part of the house.

Borujerdi House is not only a masterpiece of Persian architecture but also a testament to the wealth and sophistication of the merchants of Kashan during the Qajar era. The house served as a symbol of the social status and prestige of the Borujerdi family, who were among the most prominent and influential families of the city. Today, Borujerdi House is open to the public as a museum, providing visitors with a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Kashan and the remarkable achievements of Persian architecture.

Borujerdi House
Borujerdi House

Borujerdi House also features intricate stucco and mirror work, which is characteristic of traditional Persian architecture. The stucco work is particularly impressive, with delicate floral and geometric designs adorning the walls and ceilings. The mirror work is also notable, with small pieces of glass arranged to create dazzling mosaics that reflect the light and create a sense of spaciousness.

Borujerdi House Roof, Interior, Kashan Iran
Borujerdi House Roof, Interior, Kashan Iran

Another notable feature of Borujerdi House is the central courtyard, which is surrounded by a colonnade of slender pillars that support the upper levels of the building. The courtyard is planted with trees and flowers, and a small fountain provides the soothing sound of running water. The courtyard serves as a central gathering place for family members and guests, and it provides a cool respite from the heat of the desert sun.

Borujerdi House Interior design
Borujerdi House Interior Design, Kashan

Borujerdi House also has several private rooms and living areas, which were used by the family members for various purposes. Some of the rooms are decorated with intricate frescoes that depict scenes from Persian mythology and history. The family members also had access to a bathhouse and a private mosque, which were located within the compound.

Overall, Borujerdi House is a stunning example of traditional Persian architecture, with its impressive size, intricate decorations, and functional design. The house serves as a testament to the wealth and social status of the Borujerdi family, who commissioned its construction in the 19th century. Today, the house is open to the public as a museum, and it provides a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of the Persian elite during the Qajar era.

Borujerdi House

In conclusion, Borujerdi House is a remarkable example of Persian architecture, blending traditional design elements with modern innovations. The house is a testament to the wealth and sophistication of the merchants of Kashan during the Qajar era and a symbol of the city’s rich cultural heritage. Its intricate stucco and tile work, spacious rooms, and innovative ventilation system make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Persian architecture and culture.

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